
Almiraz Abedin, Job Seeker

Toronto, ON

Almiraz Abedin, Job Seeker
In 2023, I experienced a tumultuous period. I was let go from my previous job within a span of three months due to termination and also faced another contract that ended abruptly. Throughout September and October 2023, I tirelessly applied for jobs, refusing to give up. During my downtime, I reflected on my skillset and contemplated how my learning disability might have impacted my mental performance at work. Despite my strong work ethic and past experiences, I noticed a change in my work performance. I felt overwhelmed, stressed, and frequently overthought situations.

In my pursuit of a new job, I reached out to several job agencies in Toronto, Ontario, seeking support. That's when I discovered the CCRW website. The resources and support CCRW offered, particularly concerning my learning disability, resonated with me. After thoroughly reviewing their offerings, I submitted my form and soon connected with an employment counselor and job developer from your team.

The assistance I received was invaluable. Your team guided me through mock interviews, reviewed my resume, and provided invaluable advice for my job search and interviews. The weekly or bi-weekly meetings helped me stay on track and kept my counselors informed about my progress and challenges. Their empathy, understanding, and attentive listening made a significant difference. I am profoundly grateful for the unwavering support from my job counsellors and developers at CCRW. They played a pivotal role in enhancing my interview skills, particularly through the mock interviews.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to the CCRW team and eagerly anticipate continuing our collaboration.
“I am profoundly grateful for the unwavering support from my job counsellors and developers at CCRW. They played a pivotal role in enhancing my interview skills, particularly through the mock interviews.”

We have resources to support job seekers, workers, employers, and organizations.