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Our Organization

CCRW exists to promote and support meaningful and equitable employment of persons with disabilities. As innovators and agents of change, we build partnerships, develop skills, share knowledge and influence attitudes.

Untapped Talent

We’re thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of our inclusive job board, Untapped Talent —an exclusive platform designed to connect employers who are dedicated to disability inclusion with an exceptional pool of job seekers. By showcasing your commitment to inclusivity, you not only enrich your workplace culture but also attract top talent from diverse backgrounds.

Skills for Success Playbook Now Available

Through November 2023, CCRW’s Research Team interviewed 7 frontline staff to learn about best practices in supporting jobseekers’ skill development and career journeys. Findings from these interviews are collected in this Skills for Success Playbook as a resource for others implementing SFS training tailored towards jobseekers and workers with disabilities.

Disability Confidence Toolkit Now Available

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our Disability Confidence Toolkit! This innovative toolkit is crafted with a vision to empower business leaders and employers on their journey towards fostering disability confidence within their organizations.


Evan, Employee

Evan, Employee

St. John’s, NL

My experience working with CCRW has been good as they always made me feel welcome and willing to help me. CCRW helped me get my job by taking my skills and narrowing down what to look for in a job.

Daniel, Job Seeker

Daniel, Job Seeker

Overall, I had a great time working with CCRW. Everyone was friendly and easy to work with, and they were open to answer any questions ..

Julianna Johnson, Job Seeker

Julianna Johnson, Job Seeker

It was a pleasure meeting the CCRW staff. They were always ready to help. They have strong guidance and interpersonal skills. One staff member was ..

Almiraz Abedin, Job Seeker

Almiraz Abedin, Job Seeker

Toronto, ON

I am profoundly grateful for the unwavering support from my job counsellors and developers at CCRW. They played a pivotal role in enhancing my interview skills, particularly through the mock interviews.

Erik, Job Seeker

Erik, Job Seeker

Toronto, ON

I can easily say that CCRW has changed my life for the better, and given me the means, strength, and confidence to work again.

Luc, Job Seeker

Luc, Job Seeker

Charlottetown, PEI

I've gained confidence with job interviews and learned how to conduct myself when I'm working at a job.

Alain D, Employee

Alain D, Employee

Winnipeg, MB

CCRW helped me with my job search working towards a goal of full-time employment. It helped me in acquiring a term and then part-time position while continuing to further my job search goals.

Jess, Job Seeker

Jess, Job Seeker

St. John’s, NL

I started off not really knowing who I was or where I belonged. CCRW showed me what I deserve, not just as someone with a disability, but as a person.

Wyatt, Employee

Wyatt, Employee

St. John's, NL

CCRW was the leverage I needed to help me focus, revaluate my skill set and find a place to work that's well-suited for someone like me. I am currently working as a front-end helper at Costco.

Katie, Job Seeker

Katie, Job Seeker

Kitchener, ON

The CCRW program helped me figure out what I was good at and what I wanted to do as a career. The staff at CCRW encouraged me to focus on what I was good at and what I liked doing and they kindly offered me short-term training.

Leanne, Job Seeker

Leanne, Job Seeker

St. John’s, NL

After an illness left me with a disability, I was unsure whether I would be able to find my place back in the workforce. I am truly grateful for the support that CCRW has given me for getting back to work.

Kait, Employee

Kait, Employee

Surrey, BC

The support I have received from CCRW has been invaluable to my return to work. Having supports and an employer who is understanding and accommodating has helped me thrive.

Katherine, Job Seeker

Katherine, Job Seeker

St. John’s, NL

Taking courses in Food Safety and First Aid through CCRW were great experiences for me. Even though I already knew most of what was taught, it felt great to get the certificates hanging on my wall.

Mitchell, Employee

Mitchell, Employee

Winnipeg, MB

CCRW assisted me with building the confidence to attend my first ever job interview. They helped me find an employer that was compassionate and saw the strength and ability I had.

Nathan, Employee

Nathan, Employee

Winnipeg, MB

I would definitely recommend CCRW employment services to anyone, they were invaluable in coaching me through the resume and interview process.

Mary-Anne, Job Seeker

Mary-Anne, Job Seeker

Surrey, BC

The team at CCRW will work with you to find out what you need for employment, no matter what your disability is.

Angelo, Employee

Angelo, Employee

Halifax, NS

Angelo was hired during the pandemic after going through CCRW’s Employment Services It gave him the confidence and skills to step into his new position.

Katherine, Job Seeker

Katherine, Job Seeker

St. John's, NL

I received mentorship and friendship from CCRW. They understood my autism and helped me with mock interviews. Most importantly, they believed in me and helped me to believe in myself.

Minette, Employee

Minette, Employee

Toronto, ON

I'd like to express my profound thanks and gratitude for CCRW. Their work in accommodation & inclusion management has provided me with essential items for accommodating me in my new job.

Terri, Job Seeker

Terri, Job Seeker

Kitchener. ON

CCRW helped me transition back into the workplace. I had lost my job after 34 years, and figured given my disability, I would have difficulty not only finding a job, but finding appropriate accommodations.

Elizabeth Bastos, Employer

Elizabeth Bastos, Employer

COO, The Bastos Natural Family Center of Canada in Kitchener, ON

CCRW seamlessly coordinated the proper environment and documentation in the hiring process between our organization and candidates. These candidates were well matched to our needs.

Peter Curtis, Employer

Peter Curtis, Employer

Disability Tax Results, Kitchener, ON

I have hired several employees through CCRW. One hire required more accommodations than we have worked with before to ensure success. CCRW provided a free ergonomic assessment.

Jolene MacDonald, Employer

Jolene MacDonald, Employer

AccessiBrand in Kitchener, ON

We have worked with CCRW for both our team members and for myself (founder). The support and services offered by CCRW have been vital in helping us to work better both physically and mentally.

Gayle Muir, Employer

Gayle Muir, Employer

Securitas Canada Ltd. in Kitchener, ON

CCRW is a fantastic agency to work with. Not only did they work with and assist the job seeker that they brought to me, but they were also there for our organization if and when we required assistance.

Wags to Whiskers, Pet Store

Wags to Whiskers, Pet Store

St. John's, NL

Thanks to our partnership with CCRW, we have a new cashier and customer service representative who is growing with us. She was supported on site by CCRW’s staff.

Canada Games Centre, Employer

Canada Games Centre, Employer

Halifax, NS

The training Adham received from CCRW is exactly what we look for. Adham approaches people with patience, curiosity and kindness. I look forward to many more opportunities to grow our partnership!

Jane C.P. Cheung, Employer

Jane C.P. Cheung, Employer

R.TCMP & Associates in Oshawa, ON

Working with CCRW was simple, convenient and enjoyable. I found an exceptional employee who is reliable, efficient, and very dedicated.

Renee Veilleux, Employer

Renee Veilleux, Employer

Canadian Tire in Oshawa, ON

When we contacted CCRW, we had an urgent need for employees. CCRW met with us and assessed our needs. They presented nine resumes to us.

Canadian Corps of Commissionaires, Employer

Canadian Corps of Commissionaires, Employer

St. John's, NL

After hiring a CCRW job seeker, I gained a well-educated and loyal employee who only ever wanted an opportunity to show their skills.

Yuri Arajs, Employer

Yuri Arajs, Employer

Surrey, BC - Kickstart Disability Arts and Culture

CCRW provides organizations like ours the opportunity to work with talented individuals with great skills. As a small organization, having talented placements or volunteers is something we rely on.

Kayla-Rae Deveau, Employer

Kayla-Rae Deveau, Employer

Winnipeg, MB

CCRW introduced us to Mitchel for a Kitchen Position.  Mitchel was a breath of fresh air, he was completely honest and straightforward which is refreshing. I could see the enthusiasm he had.

Matt Daub, Employer

Matt Daub, Employer

Charlottetown, PEI

I appreciate the work they’ve done. I look forward to working with this organization in the future and strongly encourage continuation of their work.


Our Employment Services

We have made it our mission to help people with disabilities break down barriers to employment. Explore our employment services for job seekers with disabilities. Including 1-on-1 goal setting, coaching, resume support, and more.


Resources for Jobseekers

We have compiled a range of resources for job seekers and workers with disabilities. If you are looking for information but you can’t find it, please don’t hesitate to contact us. As well, if you require an alternate format for accessibility, please let us know and we will work with you to source it.

Upcoming Events


Participant Satisfaction

83% of participants agree that CCRW helped them directly secure employment.


Participant Success

3/4 of all CCRW participants obtain employment or return to school for more training.


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