DWC 2023 Conference

Disability and Work in Canada 2023 (DWC 2023) Conference

The Disability and Work in Canada 2023 (DWC 2023) Conference was held in- person in Ottawa and virtually  this year over two days in November (November 29th – 30th) from 9:00 a.m. – 4:15 p.m. ET. The theme for this conference was “Livelihoods and influencing the future of work for people with disabilities: A focus on rights, and quality of life.” This theme was chosen because of the widespread support for moving beyond initial employment of persons with disabilities and ensuring true full inclusion and support for career advancement and a good quality of life.

Conference Program And Speaker Biographies:


Confrence Program


Speaker Biographies


Conference Summary

DWC Day 1 Recordings

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DWC Welcome Video

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Welcome Remarks

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Parliamentary Secretary Sameer Zuberi

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Minister Kamal Khera Opening Keynote

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An Accessible Canada – How Are We Getting There

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From Barriers to Possibilities: Rethinking Conventional Assumptions About Career Pathways for Workers with Disabilities

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DWC Vignette

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Recommendations to Address Barriers and Facilitators to Participation

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The School to Work Transition and Career Success: Current Practices and Future Directions

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Progressing in Your Career: From Pre Employment to Career Advancement

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Evaluating an Immersive Learning Pilot on Living and Working with Episodic Disabilities

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A Pan-Canadian Approach to the Recruitment, Hiring, and Advancement of People with Intellectual Disabilities and Autistic Persons in the Public Service Workforce

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Using Research Partnerships for Change: The Research Action Alliance on the Consequences of Work Injury

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Intersections Race and Disability

DWC Day 2 Recordings

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Welcome Back

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International Disability Rights

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Rooting Resilience in the Workplace – Peer Support Towards Systemic Change

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How Unions Are Taking Action to Address Violence and Harassment Facing Persons with Disabilities at Work

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Employment Works: Sharing a Data Informed Approach to Employment Training

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Navigating the Horizon: Trends and Challenges in Future Talent, Disability, and the Workplace

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Introducing the CSA Z301, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility in Apprenticeship Programs standard

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Innovation for Employment Readiness in the Federally Regulated Postal and Courier Service Sector

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Moving Forward: The Future of Supported Employment

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MyJobMatch: Cluster, Collaborative and a Whole Community Approach to Disability Employment

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Flexible and Transparent: Autistic youth’s perspective on good Quality of Work, assured income and impact on Quality of Life

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Working While Black: The Intersectional Experiences of Black, Disabled, and Gendered

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Deaf Community Job Coach Skills Development and Career

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Indigenous Disability and Employment

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Employment Supports for Racialized Workers with Disabilities

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Assessment of employment environment preparedness to hire people with vision disability: A strategy for job retention

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What disabled employees/ entrepreneurs in Canada, the US, the UK, France and Belgium with disabilities can teach us about disability inclusion in the workforce?

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Conference Closing Remarks

Day 1 Photos

Reception Photos

Day 2 Photos