September 14, 2023
CCRW’s Standard on Employment – Summary and Recommendations

What is CCRW’s goal?
The Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW) exists to support and promote the meaningful, equitable employment of people with disabilities. As part of our strategic vision, CCRW aims to shares knowledge and influence policy with the goal of creating an accessible, inclusive Canada.
The Standard on employment is open for public review until October 17th, 2023. We want to share our recommendations on the Public Review Draft, as well as gather feedback from the community, so we can inform the development and refinement of the Standard together. Click here to download and read our brief in full - CAN-ASC-1.1 Standard on employment CCRW Summary and Recommendations
French Version: CAN-ASC-1.1 Standard on employment CCRW Summary and Recommendations_FR
Summary and Recommendations
The Standard is divided into nine main sections: a prelude with an introduction, scope, reference material, and definitions, as well as a main body with sections related to structural support, policy, and leadership (systems, policies, and practices); culture, engagement, and education; recruitment, hiring, and onboarding; retention and career development; and work disability management, accommodations, stay at work, and return to work. You can read the full draft of the Standard here.
Key Recommendations
CCRW has three key recommendations:
- Define and amplify the concept of disability confidence.
- Move away from representation targets as a way to achieve diversity, and refocus onstrategizing, evaluating, and monitoring recruitment, retention, and advancement methods tocreate genuine inclusion.
- Promote the development of a federal centralized accommodation fund to address accommodation needs and remove financial disincentives to accommodating workers
Your Feedback
We are asking for your feedback and suggestions on the draft standard and our recommendations. We want to hear from you so we can all work together to refine the Standard on employment. You can provide your feedback on our survey here.
You can also provide your feedback on the Accessibility Standards Canada website right now, using their online form or the PDF form
Suggestions can include:
- Editorial such as spelling, grammar, formatting and accessibility
- Technical such as dimensions or application of the standard
- General comments on the overall standard or a section such as things that are missing.
ASL & LSQ Video Playlist
To view our recommendations on the Standard in either ASL or LSQ, please visit our YouTube channel, or navigate directly to the playlist here: CCRW's Recommendations on the Standard on Employment in ASL and LSQ
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