
Work that CCRW is proud to be apart of.

There are initiatives across Canada and globally that CCRW is proud to support. Below is a listing of initiatives that we endorse and participate in.

Initiatives In Canada


Autism Alliance of Canada: National Autism Strategy


Autism Alliance of Canada is a coalition of organizations and individuals developing a comprehensive National Autism Strategy that addresses critical gaps in funding and policies, which are preventing individuals with autism and their families from exercising their equal rights as Canadians.

The Autism Alliance of Canada leads with the vision that all Canadians living with autism have full and equal access to the resources they require to achieve their full potential.


INNoVA Disabilities Mentoring Day


INNoVA’s Disabilities Mentoring Day builds connections between talent and business and matches employees from business to individuals with disabilities for mentoring and experiential learning opportunities.


Indigenous Disability Awareness Month (November)


Indigenous peoples of Canada experience a disability rate significantly higher than that of the general population. Indigenous Disability Awareness Month (IDAM) brings awareness of these barriers and the issues that Indigenous peoples living with disabilities and their families face every day. More importantly though, in spite of these barriers, IDAM celebrates the achievements of Indigenous peoples living with disabilities and recognize the significant and valuable contributions they make to our communities socially, economically, and culturally every day.


International Day of People with Disabilities


December 3 is International Day of People With Disabilities, an annual occasion designated to join together to support people with disability in our communities, and raise awareness of the importance of creating a future where people with disabilities experience equal opportunity and face no barriers in all aspects of their lives— whether it be going about their day-to-day lives with adequate accessibility in their communities, joining the workforce, or being able to showcase their abilities and reach their goals without facing barriers.


International Week of Deaf People and International Day of Sign Languages


The International Week of the Deaf People (IWDP) is celebrated annually by the global Deaf Community on the last week of September each year to commemorate the first World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf in Rome in 1958. The International Week of the Deaf People is celebrated through various activities and events by Deaf Communities worldwide and aims to promote human rights for deaf people, provide a platform for them to tell their stories and have their voices heard.


Love Your Eyes: World Sight Day


World Sight Day focuses the world’s attention on the importance of eye care in the workplace.

Together, we will encourage employers to make eye health initiatives standard practice and promote eye health habits that will benefit the well-being, safety and productivity of millions of employees.

The first step is prioritizing your own eye health, and we invite you to pledge to #LoveYourEyes. The next step is motivating the world’s employers to provide quality eye care to their employees. From factory floors and office buildings to staff rooms and studios, let’s ensure that eye care is available, accessible and affordable to all.


National AccessAbility Week


In Canada, we celebrate National AccessAbility Week (NAAW) every year starting on the last Sunday in May. The week raises awareness of the critical need for accessibility and inclusion for all in our communities and workplaces. During National AccessAbility Week, we recognize the ongoing work we all have to do to counter discrimination against persons with disabilities and promote a culture of inclusion.


October Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM)


October is Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM) in Canada, a time to recognize and celebrate the contributions of workers living with disabilities as well as to educate employers and the public about the value of a workforce that is inclusive of all skills, talents and abilities.

Many provinces have taken an initiative and designated October as Disability Employment Awareness Month. In British Columbia, it actually occurs in September.


Purple Space


#PurpleLightUp is a global movement that celebrates and draws attention to the economic contribution of the 386 million disabled employees around the world.

PurpleSpace leads this movement, marking their respect to the UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) held annually on 3rd December.

Since 2017, #PurpleLightUp has been driving momentum for disability inclusion across hundreds of organisations, reaching thousands of employees in different ways. This includes lighting up iconic buildings purple, holding events, developing workplace policies for disabled employees and sparking conversations about disability inclusion worldwide.


The Valuable 500


The Valuable 500 is the largest global network of CEOs committed to close the disability inclusion gap by driving business action, capturing and disseminating learnings, and leveraging leadership for accelerating Disability Inclusion through the Power of Business Leadership.


White Cane Week


White Cane Week takes place across Canada in the first full week of February every year. The week raises awareness about how blind people travel and make a difference in their communities.

Stay up to date with news, blogs, and events from CCRW and the initiatives that we are apart of.