January 13, 2023
CCRW Launches Employment Services for Women

The Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW) is excited to announce the official launch of their Employment Services for Women. Over the summer of 2022. With 100 potential women experiencing life changing employment support. CCRW will provide pre-employment and skills development through a trauma informed wrap around supportive approach for women job seekers who self identifies with a disability living at the intersections of race/Indigeneity, the LGBTQ2 community, and/or prolonged detachment from the labour force. As this project involves employer support and engagement, we will look to test models that improve workplace inclusivity for women. Focusing not only to improve access to employment but also employment retention and working towards increase workplace inclusivity.
Job seekers who are age of majority, un-employed or underemployed and legally entitled to work in Canada can submit their application to employmentservice@ccrw.org to participate in an 18-week supportive and effective trauma-informed pre-employment and skills development program that provides wrap-around supports and tailored skills training and employment services.
Our Team of Employment Facilitators and experienced Job Developers work together supporting job seekers for 8 weeks of skills training along with a further 10 weeks of employer wrap around supports that can include a wage subsidy program. CCRW aims to serve more than 100 Canadians women ensuring their inclusion in all aspects of Canada's economy through a collaborative and dynamic approach.
In person locations are in Ottawa, Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Halifax. In an effort to break down accessibility barriers, CCRW offers support to those who may not be able to access an in-person location through a virtual service delivery model. Supporting women through their employment with a people first approach will ensure each person who participate in programming receives individualized services. The team of Employment Facilitators will provide learning opportunities that are designed for each person’s needs supporting them through the process of achieving their employment goals. This program works towards increasing workplace inclusivity by not only supporting the job seeker but the employer as well. We are excited to connect with you.
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